Open your mind, embrace your heart, nourish your soul, and smile mang!
she walks down the street and tells the boy on the other side -with her eyes- that he should relocate himself between her thighs, to her surprise dude across the way just wanted her to smile and see what she had to say, wasn't even interested in getting play. Her homegirl was beside her enabling tension to arise and deceiving even more than the illusionary effect of the eyes, so was it to be or not, one cannot determine unless they are willing to determine what is - but you know she in to a dude and wants to get to know him better, as he's rockin them guess jeans and argyle sweater, she maneuvers down the street in a smooth auburn leather, hairs soft and flowing like feathers, so whats up with you he asks, she smiles and says not much while trying to inhibit a laugh, he knows she's sincere and despite the oppsotion from her friend who stares at this young man with a glare he is focussed on making it very clear that he wants to connect with this girl via his two ears, asks her questions of significance, whats her intoxicating fragrance, areas of importance, days of remeberance, she is taken back by such attentiveness and she alludes to the contrary of stiff, he smiling she vibing, friends wilding and angry that she lonely on the solo tip and really feigning for the dick but it wont come in abundance unless she knows she can't earn nothing from it, lets get back to the backwards love in kids to the nominal of two (get it backwards?), who have blossomed in a few minutes that have allowed time to fly or now flew, who would have expected that the navigational intersections would bring forth sensual and intimate connection, doesn't matter who thought it, this girl's Michael Jackson Bad, dude is on that Usher and he got it, if you can't figure out that analogy then this story will never end for you happily, I could easily caress your thoughts and tell you they lived happily ever after with kids and a family, for now I will tell you that homeboy asked this fly young lady for her name and number and she said gladly, gentleman asked about her friend and what she would do, the lady left her amigo and told her man - I 'd rather be with you
gotta listen to the song to understand the context of these cognitive emissions; story relates to the tune!
I love you - all of you - bless